
عرض المشاركات من أغسطس, 2017

Choke Doesn't Mean Stop

' Oh, I still remember this season like it was yesterday. Rachel Berry from the first seen in the first episode, she was sitting goals of getting to the college. And I saw how she grow in every episode by improve her skills and won all the competitions. To finally get to the addition for getting the college. I remember how I was excited for her and impressed by her preparation like she prepares the song of course but also the outfit and she was enthusiastic about this addition. And all the schools and her friends know that she was going to be accepted because she was so perfect. She enters the room with a smile on her face and show her enthusiasm and start to sing the song of her best person Barbra Streisand, from the funny girl. And out of nowhere in the middle of the song, she starts choking, and suddenly the music stops. And all her friends knew that something wrong is going to happen and they just wanted to believe that this not happening. But it did happen, Rachel just cho...

I Have Been There

Ambitious. I guess we all have this in our souls. from the first steps in our life's we born to struggle with it. We start seeing our parents walk, and we try to walk like them. But since we are human we start walking and we fall, and we try again and we fall again and try again and again. We cry sometimes cause the fall hurt, and sometimes we laugh because we did something brave and new. Sometimes our parents grab our hands and sometimes they sit across the room and wait for us to go towards them. Until that moment come, when we feel it's time to just get up and put one foot in front of the other and we try to walk. Of course, we know that our walk it's not perfect, but we know that we must go across the room. And at the end we finally reach it. And that is it, from that moment we know that when we start something we need to finish it. I guess the is ambitious. Our passion to do something other people have already done, discover new things in life, learn a lot o...

How I got interested in clubs ?

You may ask why I got interested in this world, the clubs I mean?  Or you may ask why joining clubs is more important to me? First, you need to understand that here in Saudi Arabia, there is no use of the clubs in good way and not enough people interested in clubs. I got interested in this world (clubs), from the American movies. When I was in middle school, I sow all the girls in the movies join or want to join the cheer leading team. And all the boys go to the football team. I thought this is the only way they can engage in to the world and to be much social. But when I grow up watching more and more movies and series, I sow how they can engage in this world by a lot of different clubs. such as the chess club, book club and music club. And when was I being in the high school, amm I will not say there was no clubs in my school. Cause there was, but it doesn't get this much attention when such I sow in the American movies. And I should say not that interesting. And ...